Military Forum provides a place for online and local groups to meet, communicate, and organize their questions based on issues relating to the military community.
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Military Forum

The Military Forum is an online support network for military members and their families to offer one another suggestions, answer questions, and give encouragement. Our members have first hand experience into the military world and how to balance it with civilian life. They are soldiers, personnel, spouses, veterans, and reservists. Whatever the subject, it's most likely being discussed. Plus, membership is free.

Our most reoccurring topics include money management issues. Like anyone, soldiers and their families want to make good financial decisions. Our unique platform lets users search through archived posts, submit a new post, or reply to an existing topic to resolve their questions or concerns. Fully comprehending their rights and opportunities can help families save thousands and help others from making common financial mistakes.

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Mortgage Rates
Do active duty service members get a lower rate on home loans than civilians?
Submitted by JSource_22
Missed Car Payments
I've defaulted on my car payments. Does SCRA protect me from a possible repossession?
Submitted by ArmySmly
Payday Loans
I know MLA forces lenders to cap loan interest rates at 36%. Does this include payday loans, too?
Submitted by Inchon_FGHTR
PCS Orders
I got my first PCS orders yesterday. Any advice or tips for my family and me?
Submitted by NavyPvt342
Soldier's Testimonial
I always find answers when I have a question or need advice at the Military Forum. It's the first place I go.
Member Since 2008
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